Saturday, December 1, 2007

Relections:Creating a learning environment for the twenty-first century

I guess I was the priviledged handful of teachers to be posted to a brand New school. I do not have to put up with flooding toilets, faulty lights and fans, peeling paint works and boring school buiding.

Initially, I do not see how a new building can attract more willing childern to come to school. After living in Bukit Panjang for a good number of years, and after witness 2 real examples, I relented that good school building facilities is very vital for learning.

School C was in the heartland of BP. It was a very old school. Much of the facilities are worn down. But nevertheless, the management tried their utmost best to keep the school in good learning condition. This does not quench the expectation of Singapore parents, the enrollment of Sec 1 pupils went sliding down year after year.

School Z was also in the heartland of BP. It was a new school. Most of the facilities are new. They seems to have the finaces to renew their environment every 5 years . I recall the conduct of a poll among the stakeholders to decide the colour of the school buildings so as to reflect the school culture and vibrancy. That year the PSLE T score ofr Sec 1 enrollment jump 10 points. It became the school of choice for the community in BP.

School Z was a good learning environment probably because it hold true to what the artcle said.

That is , school Z is welcoming(the colours), accessible (LRT), secure(good discipline), separate shared space(many multi purpose use space), refreshment facility (good canteen food and entreprenuer shop), decent lavatories and changing areas ( clean and dry toilets with hot showers) and maintain a regular and thorough cleaning regime ( hardworking cleaning staff put in that extra miles for our students).

What can I asked for.... I have teached there for a good 6 years. More good years to come.

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