Saturday, December 1, 2007

Reflections: Engaging Learning Environment

The Quilt video may be a good way to teach elementary math. It may be more interesting if the squares are of more vibrant colours to raise the attention of primary students. I am heartened to know that their learning progess can be monitored on the internet by parents. What an awesome involvement of our education stakeholders.

I could not agree more with this article that every student wants to contribute in class given the correct environment. That is, less threatening....or least an environment to make them feel more secure when they speak up. This bring me to the point for a more in depth reflection. That is, are we teachers providing the correct environment for learning, such that our dear pupils are more forthcoming to contribute and take ownership of their learning even more ?

Are we teacher in Singapore giving enough appraisal for the efforts of our students contribution? Was it difficult for me to say " Well Done" when they have complete a task. Am I stingy to acknowledge them? (some reflective question after the Ms. McLane's Bicycle Journeyvideo)

In most schools in Singapore, I believe most of the learning is still Powerpoint style. Is not this method chalk and talk ? Perhaps a more high tech chalk and talk. Of course there are teachers who go beyond this. They using video, learning journeys, and field trip, and some even resort to blogging , polling, webpage..etc. This i guess is in the heart beat of many teachers among us wanting to know more about our student? To read all this students blog and etc, it takes time! Yet are these time accounted for towards our workload when it comes to our annual appraisal? I guess not. Really, I applaud those teachers who have gone that extra mile to know more of your students with technology advancement.

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