Thursday, December 27, 2007

Asknlearn training (LMS @ZHSS)

This morning as I drag myself from deep hibernation for this course organised by the school. I thought ... man is another course to kill time. I was wrong again. This vendor is introduced EDULEARN 8.0. A relatively new software that encompass online learning, blog, email, quizes, etc. More like a ALl in one printer concept.

But I still stick to Gmail system- a place where most of friends and classmates are. Probaly use the edulearn system in school only.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Session X summary

Oh boy.... the course has finally ended with a great bang.... We had the joy to produce our own assessment paper for our very own course. we did it with the help of the stats tools we had learnt.

The written paper was a head bogging one... Killed many brain cells to recall what had been learnt the last one month. Nonetheless, MED858 is a good and enriched course. 2 thumbs up!

In reflections, as I observed how Dr Quek conduct her lesson, I realised that proper planning must be made prior to the actual lesson. Build raport with our student is important to reduce the FEAR barrier. Lesson can be learnt at a non standard classroom.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Session 5 Takeaways

The instrument used for assessment of the school learning environment for this course was WIHIC. That is What is Happening In this Course. 2 set of questions were used namely the actial and the preferred form were used. The data was keyed in to SPSS.
The Cronbach's alpha reliability test was used to assess the relaibility of the questionaire ore rather the instrument used in this assessment. More information about the Cronbach's alpha reliability test can be found on the link in this blog.

Next the Paired sample t-test was computed to determine which scale or domain perception is of significant different between the actual and the preferred forms.
More information about the paired sample test can be found on the link in this blog.

A tour of the learning resource was made. We had a full comprehension of the location of the thesis library, lounge, computer lab, micro film library, and the jourtal corner. Really, our NIE library is fully equipped.

Later part of the day, we see how assessment paper can be written. The components were discussed and the expectations were laid.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lesson resource for session 3

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Session 4 Assessing Learning Environment 2

What defines school learning environment?

The class brainstorm on this questions and we came ou with this list of possible answers

They include: Student -teacher interaction, school attitude, physical aspect(facilities), teaching methodlog, learning styles of our students, finances, discipline and behaviour of our students, school vision and mission, school leadership, parent support, supporting staff, student to student friendship, teaching resources and security of the school.

This entire list above can be categoried to 3 main domain namely: student, teacher and school.

Case study

With the help of the new groupings memeber, we are able to sit and read a case study of a school. Based on their SLCEQ findings, we managed to identify their postive aspect and negative aspect of their school learning environment. Recommendation was made to suggest pointers to improve the learning environment.

Instrumentation - SLCEQ (Dimensions)

The domain includes
student support, affiliation, professional interest, achievement orientation, staff freedom, participatory, decision making, Innovation, resource adequency, work pressure.

SPSS was introduced. We had the chance to import data into the software as a class and share the spreadsheet and compiled to one . The WIHIC actual and preferred form was used to collect datas from all 25 classmates. Cronbach alpha reliability and paired simple t-test will be used to analyse the data.

Info for the statistic tools

Reflection for session 4:
It was vital to understand that the learning needs in the class and school can be met with the factors that the class summarized through brainstorming. As I reflect, I realised that sometimes, more can be done in areas of student taecher interaction. Students may enter the school in sec 1 with many questions; but somehow after 4 -5 years in the same secondary school, they become mute. They have no question! Or in fact they are afraid to ask questions. Is my school's learning environement so threatening that it has become a battele field and mad house that no want has the courage to ask those questions to clear their doubts.

It will be appropriate for me to conduct the WIHIC survey in class next year 2008 to assess my students learning environment. My plan: the preferred form will be done after orientation camp and the actual form will be done after mid year exam. This can help me plan my lesson better.

ONLINE learning resource

The following is a list of blog combine by Mr Gan.
Andrew's Blog
Bel's Blog
Ben's Blog
Cikgu Martina's Blog
Danping's Blog
Dennis's Blog
Elaine's Blog
Ellen's Blog
Gan's Blog
Geraldine's Blog
Hameed's Blog
Hester's Blog
Hwee Chin's Blog
Joel's Blog
Lakshmi's Blog
Meena's Blog
Minyi's Blog
Myreen's Blog
Rina's Blog
Savethiri's Blog
Selina's Blog
Shamy's Blog
Sharon's Blog
Sushilah's Blog
Swee Keow's Blog
Ying Jye's Blog

Monday, December 3, 2007

Session 3 Assessing the learning environment 1

Common terms associated with LE

Students needs; student perception; school culture; school perception; school environment; classroom environment; psycho social; cognitve.

When a child is put in a new and different environment, they go through adjustment physically emotionally and socially and psyhologically.

A learning environment constitutes

1. student -teacher relationships

2. Personal development

3. System maintenance and change.

Works from Fraser and Fisher

1. This paper done by Fraser and Drden focuses on the impact of reform initiative in changing high school science instruction towards a more constructivist approach.

2. This article written by Supatra Wanpen and Darrell Fisher , emphasis how we can create the learning environment in a computer classroom to support constructivist learning.

3. About Darrell Fisher


Teacher-student interpersonal behaviourHow teachers interact with students.

Using the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction in investigating differences between boys' and girls' perceptions,

differences between students from different cultural backgrounds,

and the effects of teacher interpersonal behaviour on student outcomes.

Classroom and school learning environments

The development and validation of questionnaires to assess students' or teachers' perceptions of classroom or school environments and the use of these questionnaires in investigating the effects of classroom environments on student outcomes.

Curriculum evaluation of science innovationsEvaluation of the effectiveness of new curricula using either or both quantitative and

4. About Barry J Fraser

Classroom and school learning environments

Use of a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques in: the development, refinement and validation of questionnaires to assess students' or teachers' perceptions of classroom or school environments;

Investigations of the effects of classroom environments on student outcomes;

Evaluation of educational programs; changes across the transition from primary to secondary schooling; teacher action research aimed at improving their environments.

Curriculum evaluation

Use of a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods in the evaluation of curriculum,

Innovations and teaching approaches in terms of student outcomes,

Classroom interaction,

Classroom environments,

Students' opinions,

Case studies

New search engine

AXON processor

Reflections for Session 3:
1. It is important to assess the learning environment that I am teaching so that teaching or learning can be further enhanced. Students perception and teachers perception can be looked into.
2. The correct instruments for the research should be carefully chosen.

3. The needs of our students have to be met. Their needs may be that of relationship, personal development and system maintenance and system change. Really, pupils in our class do not just sit there and listen to teacher talk and talk nowadays. They long to build relationship and rapport with the teacher. Teacher can no longer depend on what they have learnt years back from their University days. Teacher within us long to be on the forth front in this knowledge based economy. Our environment need to be changing to excite future learning.

4. The preferred form ( What is happening in my class) can be used in the beginning of the year.
5. The actual form ( What is happening in my class) can be used at the end of the term.

6. Need-Press allows me to pictorially imagine what can affect learning environments. And how learning environment can be assessed.

7. 3 types of approach when I assess learning environment.
  • The use of trained observers
  • The use of ethnographic data collectors
  • The use of student/ teacher perception obtained through questioning and survey.

8. Some instrument used for research are

  • My class inventory
  • Science lab environment Inventory
  • E learning
  • What is happening in my class.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Relections:Creating a learning environment for the twenty-first century

I guess I was the priviledged handful of teachers to be posted to a brand New school. I do not have to put up with flooding toilets, faulty lights and fans, peeling paint works and boring school buiding.

Initially, I do not see how a new building can attract more willing childern to come to school. After living in Bukit Panjang for a good number of years, and after witness 2 real examples, I relented that good school building facilities is very vital for learning.

School C was in the heartland of BP. It was a very old school. Much of the facilities are worn down. But nevertheless, the management tried their utmost best to keep the school in good learning condition. This does not quench the expectation of Singapore parents, the enrollment of Sec 1 pupils went sliding down year after year.

School Z was also in the heartland of BP. It was a new school. Most of the facilities are new. They seems to have the finaces to renew their environment every 5 years . I recall the conduct of a poll among the stakeholders to decide the colour of the school buildings so as to reflect the school culture and vibrancy. That year the PSLE T score ofr Sec 1 enrollment jump 10 points. It became the school of choice for the community in BP.

School Z was a good learning environment probably because it hold true to what the artcle said.

That is , school Z is welcoming(the colours), accessible (LRT), secure(good discipline), separate shared space(many multi purpose use space), refreshment facility (good canteen food and entreprenuer shop), decent lavatories and changing areas ( clean and dry toilets with hot showers) and maintain a regular and thorough cleaning regime ( hardworking cleaning staff put in that extra miles for our students).

What can I asked for.... I have teached there for a good 6 years. More good years to come.